Sunday, August 7, 2011


You have been given an opportunity of a lifetime. A business operates twenty four hours a day. The owner wishes to take a holiday and has requested you to run the business for one month. The arrangement is that for every second that you will personally man the business, you will get paid Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred. If you have to leave the business for any necessity, the person who relieves you will get the money for the duration of time that you are out! You have obviously grabbed the opportunity with open arms.


First, let the above scenario settle in the mind. Now imagine that the month of running the business has just commenced. A close friend phones to invite you to a lavish function. “You must come,” he urges. Your almost spontaneous reply would perhaps be: “I am sorry but I am very busy and will not be able to attend.”
The first weekend comes. Your children want to “go out for a drive.” “Not today. I am very busy,” says their father. The children’s mother also wholeheartedly agrees. After all she is also dreaming every night about what she will do with the Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second that her husband is earning. Hence she does not ask to be taken anywhere. How can she even think of it? Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second — and just for one month only! And you … well obviously you are working beyond the limits of overtime. No time to eat in peace. Only the minimal amount of sleep. No shopping. No “drives.” No time to sit around with friends over coffee. And entertainment? Whatever is that? The very word sounds unfamiliar. All this due to the once in a lifetime opportunity of earning Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second for one month.


Yet, if the person who slogged for the entire month to earn Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second … passes away on the thirtieth day, the wealth he earned will be of no use to him. He cannot take it along to his grave. If he does live to use it, the tax-man will be there to first take his share. He will have to worry about how to protect his wealth. Besides this, he will have to answer on the Day of Judgment about how he earned it and where he spent it. Generally, despite the abovementioned problems we will grab the opportunity of running the business for one month.


Allah Ta’ala is also granting us a lifetime’s opportunity. The month of Ramadhan with its unlimited blessings is here. One month in earnings at the rate of Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second cannot even be called petty cash in comparison to the rewards that Allah Ta’ala grants and the blessings and mercy that He showers in the month of Ramadhan. Every Ramadhan must be treated as a once in a lifetime opportunity since we have no idea whether we will live till the next Ramadhan.
What are the rewards of good deeds in the month of Ramadhan? The reward of every Fardu (compulsory) act is multiplied seventy times while every Sunat (optional) act earns the reward of one Fardu out of Ramadhan. It is important to understand the latter aspect in its proper perspective. Tahajjud Salat (in the last third of the night) is an extremely great ibadah. Great virtues have been narrated for this Salat. However, a lifetime of Tahajjud cannot equal one Fardu of Salat Fajr! Yet in the month of Ramadhan Allah Ta’ala grants us the reward of a Fardu action for every Sunat performed.


Thus, can we afford to waste this time? Can we still have time for “drives?” Is it possible for a person who values Ramadhan in a similar manner that he values Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred a second, to spend hours “eating out” at after taraweh feasts, or have time for other idle pursuits? Can we afford to spend valuable time glued to the airwaves listening to the “opinions” and “views” of all and sundry in Din matters whereas that time could have been used to at least recite Al Fatihah? And entertainment? Have we heard that word before??? Thus the last thing that any Muslim who values Ramadhan will bother about is who somewhere in the world is whacking a little red ball all over a field or who is kicking a ball between two posts!!!


Thus it also does not behoove of people who value Ramadhan to try to “save time” from the performance of ibadah. Many people “work out” the shortest taraweh — where they will be able to leave in the shortest possible time and head for the food outlets where ample time will be whiled away. Think of the Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second. We would break the records for over-time work. Thus in Ramadhan we should break the record for the amount of time spent in Salat, tilaawah (recitation of the Qur’an), zikr, dua, etc. Ramadhan is not a month to “save” time from the performance of these acts. Rather it is a month to engage every moment possible in these acts. Apart from Salat, tilawat, etc., Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has himself stressed upon us to excessively engage in some practices. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: “And in this month you should endeavor to perform four things in great number, two of which shall be to please your Rabb, while the other two shall be those without which you cannot make do. Those which shall be to please your Rabb are that you should in great abundance recite the “Kalima Tayyiba” (Laa ilaaha il’lallah) and make much istighfaar (beg Allah’s forgiveness with Astaghfirullah). And as for those two without which you cannot make do, you should beg Allah for entry into paradise and seek refuge with him from the fire of Jahannam.”


While one should engage to the maximum in the above good deeds, the purpose of Ramadhan must be kept foremost in mind, which is to acquire Taqwa (Allah-awareness and piety). Thus together with the maximum amount of righteous actions one must totally refrain from all sins. One month of strictly conducting oneself in this manner will Insha-Allah have the effect of enabling one to live the next eleven months in a similar manner — in the complete obedience of Allah Ta’ala.

May Allah Ta’ala enable us to appreciate and value the month of Ramadhan — more than what we value Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred per second.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Diabetics News

Many people with Type 2 diabetes use plants, or plant parts, for the self-management of their medical problems. This is what most people refer to as herbal medicine, botanical medicine, or phytomedicine. In the United States more than one-third of people with diabetes use herbal or traditional and alternative medicine alone, or in combination with their prescribed anti-diabetic medication, according to the Johns Hopkins Point-of-Care Information Technology Center (Johns Hopkins POC-IT Center).

There are many types of herbal preparations used for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. In fact, in almost every culture there is one herbal medicine intended for the management of increased blood sugar levels. However, there are only a few tested and evaluated systematically and scientifically for this purpose.

Here is a list of the most commonly used herbal and medicinal plants for the management of Type 2 diabetes:

Ginseng: Ginseng is one of the most popular medicinal herbs globally. There are two major types of this herb:

Asian ginseng, the Panax ginseng
American ginseng, the Panax quinquefolius.

The active compounds in the ginseng herbs that makes them useful are the ginsenosides. According to one particular study, information from the Johns Hopkins POC-IT Center states ginsenosides can potentially improve insulin resistance. Ginseng can be safely used at a dosage of 1 to 3 grams per day. However, the adverse effects of using this herbal medicine include:

nervousness and palpitations, and

Ginseng is also known to interact with the action of warfarin, an anticoagulant (more commonly referred to as a blood thinner). Ginseng unfortunately causes warfarin to be less effective.

Cinnamon: There is new evidence cinnamon can be helpful in regulating blood sugar. Cinnamon is not just another spice that can be used for cooking and baking. According to Johns Hopkins POC-IT Center, cinnamon can increase the effectiveness of insulin therefore improve your blood sugar level. Human trials indicate that taking between 1/4 and one teaspoon of cinnamon every day helps control blood sugar levels. However, various results from other studies contradict these findings. The safety profile of cinnamon is clean and there are no drug interactions noted with the use of cinnamon.

Bitter melon: Different cultures and traditions used bitter melon (Momordica charantia) for the management of diabetes. Many people believe it can decrease insulin resistance… bitter melon is composed of several compounds with confirmed blood sugar lowering properties. It must be pointed out though, clinical trials regarding this herb show contradicting results. Although taking as little as 2 ounces of the juice has shown good results in clinical trials, adverse effects with the use of bitter melon include:

gastrointestinal symptoms, and
favism, or bursting of red blood cells,

with the ingestion of seeds in certain G6PD deficient diabetics.

Fenugreek: The herb fenugreek is one of the most impressive natural substances helpful for people with diabetes. Fenugreek is a traditional spice often used in curry in Asia and the Mediterranean countries. Fenugreek is believed to contain 4-hydroxyisoleucine, a chemical that can enhance insulin production and secretion by the pancreas. Some clinical studies claim its effectiveness in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. It lowers blood sugar much the same way that drugs in the class of sulfonylureas (such as glyburide) do. Adverse reactions related to fenugreek use include:

flatulence, and

However, no herb to drug interaction has been observed.

Fenugreek helps you lose weight because the seeds of fenugreek are rich in dietary fiber, so it delays stomach emptying and after-eating sugar spikes. As the seeds are bitter, taking supplements may be the better choice. As lowered blood sugar is an expected effect of using fenugreek, if you combine it with medications and do not monitor yourself properly, you could find yourself with very low blood sugar. Make sure you see your doctor regularly to supervise your regimen.

Beverleigh Piepers RN… the Diabetes Detective.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Salam Ramadhan

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Salam 1 Malaysia, Salam Perak Amanjaya

Saudara dan saudari sekalian,

1. Salam Ramadhan saya hulurkan kepada semua umat Islam dan semoga Allah mempermudahkan serta menyempurnakan Ramadhan tahun ini tanpa sebarang halangan. Sesungguhnya, Ramadhan adalah bulan yang amat istimewa kerana ia adalah satu-satunya bulan yang disebutkan namanya secara khusus di dalam al-Quran.

Menambahkan lagi kemuliaannya, Allah SWT telah mengikat bulan ini dengan Rukun Islam yang ketiga, yakni ibadah puasa. Ramadhan benar-benar salah satu daripada syiar-syiar agung agama Islam. Sambutan dan penghormatan kita kepada Ramadhan adalah tanda ketakwaan sebagaimana firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Hajj ayat 32 yang bermaksud :-

“Demikianlah (ajaran Allah) dan sesiapa yang menghormati syiar-syiar agama Allah, maka (dialah orang yang bertakwa) kerana sesungguhnya perbuatan itu satu kesan dari sifat-sifat takwa hati orang mukmin.”

2. Justeru, kehadiran Ramadhan al-Mubarak ini, merupakan satu rahmat besar yang telah disediakan oleh Allah SWT sebagai satu medan untuk kita semua membina kualiti keimanan dan ketakwaan. Sememangnya, Ramadhan akan kita hiasi siang dan malamnya dengan segala rupa bentuk ibadah dan amalan soleh seperti berpuasa, bertarawih, bertadarus dan mentilawahkan al-Quran, berzikir dan bermunajat. Sudah tentu, antara hikmah segala ibadah ini ialah untuk membangunkan segala sifat dan kualiti terpuji di dalam diri kita.

3. Hakikatnya, bulan ini menggalakkan kita untuk saling bersedekah dan berkongsi juadah. Bulan di mana kita menzahirkan keprihatinan kita kepada jiran dan handai taulan kita tanpa mengira batas kaum dan agama. Inilah masanya juga kita sama-sama berdiri di dalam satu saf untuk solat berjemaah dan bertarawih. Bulan ini juga menganjurkan kita mengukuhkan tali persaudaraan dan perpaduan sesama kita. Pendek kata, suntikan perasaan kerahmatan ini amat sesuai untuk membugarkan Gagasan 1Malaysia. Malah ianya membentuk konsep ‘Penerimaan’ sepenuhnya di kalangan masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini.

4. Saya ingin mengingatkan agar kita tidak melakukan pembaziran dan berbelanjalah secara berhemah pada bulan ini, sesuai dengan semangat yang dianjurkan oleh Ramadhan, bersamalah kita melaksanakan transformasi minda dan jiwa agar Ramadhan kali ini bukanlah Ramadhan yang sekadar rutinan semata-mata. Bahkan inilah Ramadhan yang akan meningkatkan dan mengubah kehidupan kita selepas ini dengan menjadi hambaNya yang lebih hebat takwanya berbanding sebelumnya.

6. Dengan ini, saya dan seisi keluarga mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak dan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua umat Islam di negara ini disamping mensyukuri nikmat kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi. Marilah kita bersama-sama mengimarahkan Ramadhan ini dengan segala amal kebajikan dan ibadah. Semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan kepada kita dengan seribu rahmatNya. Amin Ya Rabbal-‘Alamin

Salam Ramadhan

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Salam 1 Malaysia, Salam Perak Amanjaya

Saudara dan saudari sekalian,

1. Salam Ramadhan saya hulurkan kepada semua umat Islam dan semoga Allah mempermudahkan serta menyempurnakan Ramadhan tahun ini tanpa sebarang halangan. Sesungguhnya, Ramadhan adalah bulan yang amat istimewa kerana ia adalah satu-satunya bulan yang disebutkan namanya secara khusus di dalam al-Quran.

Menambahkan lagi kemuliaannya, Allah SWT telah mengikat bulan ini dengan Rukun Islam yang ketiga, yakni ibadah puasa. Ramadhan benar-benar salah satu daripada syiar-syiar agung agama Islam. Sambutan dan penghormatan kita kepada Ramadhan adalah tanda ketakwaan sebagaimana firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Hajj ayat 32 yang bermaksud :-

“Demikianlah (ajaran Allah) dan sesiapa yang menghormati syiar-syiar agama Allah, maka (dialah orang yang bertakwa) kerana sesungguhnya perbuatan itu satu kesan dari sifat-sifat takwa hati orang mukmin.”

2. Justeru, kehadiran Ramadhan al-Mubarak ini, merupakan satu rahmat besar yang telah disediakan oleh Allah SWT sebagai satu medan untuk kita semua membina kualiti keimanan dan ketakwaan. Sememangnya, Ramadhan akan kita hiasi siang dan malamnya dengan segala rupa bentuk ibadah dan amalan soleh seperti berpuasa, bertarawih, bertadarus dan mentilawahkan al-Quran, berzikir dan bermunajat. Sudah tentu, antara hikmah segala ibadah ini ialah untuk membangunkan segala sifat dan kualiti terpuji di dalam diri kita.

3. Hakikatnya, bulan ini menggalakkan kita untuk saling bersedekah dan berkongsi juadah. Bulan di mana kita menzahirkan keprihatinan kita kepada jiran dan handai taulan kita tanpa mengira batas kaum dan agama. Inilah masanya juga kita sama-sama berdiri di dalam satu saf untuk solat berjemaah dan bertarawih. Bulan ini juga menganjurkan kita mengukuhkan tali persaudaraan dan perpaduan sesama kita. Pendek kata, suntikan perasaan kerahmatan ini amat sesuai untuk membugarkan Gagasan 1Malaysia. Malah ianya membentuk konsep ‘Penerimaan’ sepenuhnya di kalangan masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini.

4. Saya ingin mengingatkan agar kita tidak melakukan pembaziran dan berbelanjalah secara berhemah pada bulan ini, sesuai dengan semangat yang dianjurkan oleh Ramadhan, bersamalah kita melaksanakan transformasi minda dan jiwa agar Ramadhan kali ini bukanlah Ramadhan yang sekadar rutinan semata-mata. Bahkan inilah Ramadhan yang akan meningkatkan dan mengubah kehidupan kita selepas ini dengan menjadi hambaNya yang lebih hebat takwanya berbanding sebelumnya.

6. Dengan ini, saya dan seisi keluarga mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak dan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua umat Islam di negara ini disamping mensyukuri nikmat kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi. Marilah kita bersama-sama mengimarahkan Ramadhan ini dengan segala amal kebajikan dan ibadah. Semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan kepada kita dengan seribu rahmatNya. Amin Ya Rabbal-‘Alamin